September 20: Raising the Bar Cocktail Workshop: Bitters are Sweeeet!

Sunday, September 20 | 4:00 p.m.

Bitters are a small, yet powerful addition to a cocktail that add depth, balance, and a range of flavors from herbal to spicy. Gain knowledge on types of bitters and techniques for using them with confidence in your cocktail recipes.

Join us for an interactive workshop that will take you behind the scenes of our beverage program and show you how to create inventive, seasonal cocktails at home to surprise and delight your family and friends – or just yourself.

We’ll make three cocktails over the course of the workshop. You’ll receive tasters of each cocktail and corresponding recipe cards, plus a take-home item to help you on your way to stellar home cocktailing. What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon?

Click here to reserve your ticket
